This is a free class offered to the women of our community provided by a grant from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and donations and volunteers provided by AFS Academy of Martial Arts & Fitness in Richmond, Ky. The class is primarily taught by Gina Elliott, a Jiu Jitsu Brown Belt as well as a professional MMA fighter and professional Jiu Jitsu competitor. It will cover the basics of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/10th Planet Jiu Jitsu and the aspects of jiu jitsu especially applicable for women's self-defense situations. Participants can be of any skill level and start any time!
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is considered by many, if not MOST, to be the primary art one should study if they are serious about self-defense. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is even touted by elite military units, such as the Navy SEAL's, to be THE art you MUST know to properly defend yourself, even above arts like Krav Maga. Many combatives programs and reality based self-defense systems utilize moves from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to try to address this, but unfortunately are not taught by properly qualified individuals. In addition, learning "moves" is a poor substitute for actually training in the art.
Your instructor, Gina Elliott, is one of the most highly qualified women's instructors in the state of Kentucky with her many years of training as well as actual fight and competition experience applying this knowledge under real combative conditions.
Below is a small sample of what will be taught from when Gina was only a blue belt!